05.28.24 in Branding

Branding in Website Design

Branding in Website Design | Envisager Studio

When it comes to business, branding is everything. Since branding is about how people perceive your company, your brand message needs to be spot-on. For branding in website design, the focus is on your business’ brand.

To some, this seems obvious. After all, why would you design a website that doesn’t match your brand? But it’s more involved that just the logo and colors. In addition to be attractive, website design NEEDS to evoke emotion from the message, which makes web design more complex.

Branding in Website Design From the Professionals

To begin a website design project, it’s start with a consultation. During the consult, the web design and development team discuss:

  • Brand image
  • Logo design
  • Target audience
  • Design inspiration
  • Color palette

For a new website development, it’s crucial that the quintessence of the business is captured in a way that leads to conversions. If your brand story and brand identity are not clear, professional website designers will help you clarify them. They will also advise you on the best strategies for using that brand identity in design elements through out the website.

With branding in website design, you get a combo service. Business branding strategies AND a website design that connects with those strategies.

Matching Key Design Elements with Brand Personality

After people interact with your business and a takeaway, it spurs brand recognition. Therefore, the goal for branding in website design is to affect the website user in such a way that they leave with a memory of your business.

Consequently, brand recognition is boosted by integrating design elements that make a website stand out from the competition. The first way we do this is with color and the second way is with the website layout.

1. Color Scheme

Colors have the ability to evoke many different types of emotions. And this is why the color scheme is a crucial part of conveying a brand personality. It’s important to note that it’s not always necessary to use bold colors to get the attention of website visitors. Particularly, if bold colors are not the colors used in your brand style guide.

So, for new brands, when creating the style guide, consider the emotions that the colors evoke. If the emotions match the colors, then that’s the right color scheme.

2. Website Layout

Website layout is part of web designing. For an optimal user experience, the best website layouts are simple in design. The main navigation menu needs to contain the links to pages for content that potential visitors are looking for.

Moving on to the website layout which should include a relevant selection of videos, photos, and other elements. Copy should be bite-size in all sections of a page to ensure easy digesting. Each of these elements should be strategically placed to create a cohesive, effective and impressive website.

How Branding in Website Design Enhances Online Presence

If you don’t have a quality online presence, no one will see your website. So, in addition to your site reflecting your brand, this same cohesiveness needs to flow to your social media, email, blog posts, and everywhere else.

Potential customers are everywhere online. Even in places that you don’t realize that are connected to one another. But remember that your website is the foundation for everything that your business does online. Everything should stem from and/or return to your website.

Envisager Studio Can Help

Envisager Studio is a website design and marketing agency that offers everything a small business needs to be successful online. Branding is part of our content marketing services. Our website designers and developers are highly experienced and skilled in their fields. In fact, we do not use website templates that many of your competitors are likely using. Instead, we build custom websites to ensure that your site has the features and capabilities to scale with your business.

Contact us today to schedule a consultation to discuss your project.